Hey Robert,
> WOW! I am still suffering from shock that I managed to get in contact with
> someone who was partly responcible for the game. I still count that game as
> my favorite of all time, but I have heaps of trouble even finding someone
> who has even heard of it.
I'm glad you liked the game - I poured a lot of myself into it
(literally - the picture of Skave McGlade is, well, me. Compare the pic
to some of the ones on my website. And if you're really bored, Google
"Skave McGlade"). Many of the character names and situations were based
on things happening in my personal life at the time I wrote the game.
> What did you do for the game? The manual credits you for "Design and
> Written". Does this mean you wrote the story and things?
It means the entire concept, from start to finish, was my idea. Every
scrap of text said, every spec for every weapon or ship, I wrote. And
the manual, too. We had an artist for all the people, a second artist
for everything else, a musician for sounds and music, and a couple of
programmers. And me, for everything else.
> I am about to rework my website (which is currrently pretty hopeless) and I
> plan to put a fanpage up for Maelstom. If I could ask you some questions to
> put up on the site as a sort of interview transcript, would you be
> interested - or are you too busy?
Well, send me the interview and I'll see what I can do with it. No
> Thanks for taking the time to reply - it's really made my day.
Kind of made mine, too. Just out of curiosity, where are you located,
and roughly how old are you?
Hope all's groovy,
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